Wednesday, January 30, 2008

An Internet Marketing Company Can Boost Your Online Presence

An online marketing campaign is necessary these days with the Internet become bigger and bigger by the day. Therefore, it is crucial to hire an effective Internet marketing company to help your business achieve the online results you are looking for. Since the advent of the World Wide Web, there have been many new evolutions to online marketing. Thankfully, there are many Internet marketing companies that can show you the ropes about the industry so that you can capitalize with your online venture.

There is a wide variety of items that a quality Internet marketing company can provide to your business. One of the main sources of online marketing is in search engine optimization, commonly referred to as SEO. This process simply refers to the act of ensuring that your website appears in the top of the major search engines such as Google, Yahoo and MSN. This is achieved by submitting articles and keyword phrases all over the Internet because the more links that your website has on the Net, the higher your search engine ranking will be. Since most customers will choose to use the services of a company that is among the top ten in the search engines, SEO can work wonders for your online venture.

However, an Internet marketing company also has many other services that can benefit your business. Many of these particular companies also provide website designing and graphic design help that will make your website much more appealing to the public. If you search hard enough, you will be able to find a quality company that will produce your website from the ground up and then use SEO to ensure that your site gets the recognition it deserves.

Apart from SEO and graphic design work, an Internet marketing company can also help your business with a wide array of services. Press release marketing has become a very wide-reaching online service that your company could benefit from. A simple press release can create thousands of visitors to your site while continuously boosting your online search engine potential. A prominent Internet marketing company will be able to submit your press release to thousands of established syndication outlets and thousands of directories so that countless websites can pick them up and place them on their sites.

Blogs, which is a shortened term for web logs, is another great way to ensure maximum return on your investment with an Internet marketing company. You can have search engine optimized blogs that use the articles that were previously written for your online marketing campaign. Some companies will simply write the blog for you. However, many companies will not only write the blog for you but also maximize it to incredible search engine potential. This will increase the readership of your blog, in order to maximize both your online potential as well as your customer base.

The biggest part of most any Internet marketing companies is article marketing. This has proved to be the single most effective way of keyword optimization that has come available in recent years. Article marketing encompasses a wide array of services. Keyword research, analysis, submissions to syndications and custom articles are just a few of the things that a successful Internet marketing company can offer you. The Internet is becoming the fastest, cheapest and most effective way to advertise your business. Therefore, the help of an Internet marketing company will certainly aid you in separating yourself from the competition.

Andy West is a freelance writer for Vertical Measures. Vertical Measures is a proven, quality driven internet marketing company. For more information on Vertical Measures, please visit Blog47142
Alyse Blog33665

Debt Reduction Your Simple 9 Step Plan

Debt reduction doesn't have to be an overwhelming experience. Who wants to deal with a cure that's more painful than the ailment? Mounting debt is stressful enough then you have to face the task of figuring out just where to start if you want to get rid of it. Then there are all the different angles of attack you can take and that just adds to the frustration.

So here's a simplified approach that will get you started in the right direction for debt reduction. After all, sometimes the simplest approach is the most effective. This 9 step plan can help you get out of debt and stay out.

1. Spend less than you make. Easier said than done, right? I agree, but this is the very first step in any debt reduction effort. And theres no getting around it. The only way to get out of debt is to spend less than you make. The key is to get determined to make it happen.

2. Make a budget. Your budget is your plan. Follow it and it will get you where you want to go. Most people dont like the budgeting part but its absolutely necessary. The key to a budget is dont make it too complicated. You dont need to account for every single penny.

To find your starting point, determine how much you spend each month and what you spend it on. Make a list of all your typical expenses you would have over a one month period. Then you see where you can make cuts and adjustments. Keep finding ways to reduce those expenses until you are spending less than you make. Laying it all out in a budget and sticking to it will help keep your spending under control.

3. Know the difference between good debt and bad debt. Good debt helps you make money in the long run or at least won't help you lose money. Your mortgage and student loans are examples of good debt. Your house usually appreciates over time and an education usually helps you get better paying jobs.

A car loan is neither good nor bad. They tend to be lower interest loans but cars typically don't appreciate in value. So the best thing is to make sure your car loan is manageable and fits within your budget.

All other debt is bad debt. This includes credit card debt, payday advances, and all high interest credit or loans. These are the things that dont appreciate in value and now that you have put them on credit or loan, you just continue to pay for them month after month in the form of interest. So you want to tackle these debts head on in your debt reduction efforts.

4. Choose the one credit card you have that has the lowest interest rate. Make sure the monthly spending limit is within your monthly budget and use this card for emergencies only. Then cut up the rest of your credit cards. Now that you have your lowest interest rate card, never take it with you when you go shopping. Use cash or your debit card only.

5. Take all your bills from your bad debt pile and spread them out where you can see them all. Find out how much you owe by adding up all the minimum monthly payments. You'll want to pay this and more each month in order to pay off all that bad debt. Make sure you don't just pay the minimum or it'll never go away. After all, the name of the game is debt reduction. If this doesnt realistically fit into your monthly budget, then step 6 will help tackle the problem.

6. Consolidate your debt. Getting a debt consolidation loan can make your debt reduction efforts much easier. First, it lumps all of your loans into one loan so your monthly payments are lower and fit within your budget. Second, you can probably get a much lower interest rate than what youre currently paying (especially on credit card debt). Third, it simplifies things. Debt consolidation bundles it all into one loan with one monthly payment which means its easier to keep on top of it.

7. Stack your bill payments. What is this? It happens to be one of the most important things you can do when it comes to debt reduction. Stacking (or snowballing) is a way of accelerating your effectiveness when paying off your debt. This is how it works.

Take your bad debt bills from step 5, and put them in order from highest interest rate charged to lowest. Choose the highest interest rate bill and pay the minimum plus as much extra as you can on that bill, while paying the minimum payments on the rest of the lower interest rate bills. Keep doing that until the highest interest rate bill is completely paid off. Then repeat the process with the next highest interest bill, paying the minimum plus as much extra as possible while paying the minimum payments on the rest of your lower interest rate bills. Because you no longer have that first bill to pay, the extra monthly savings help pay off the second highest bill even faster. Then just keep repeating until they are all paid off.

8. Ask for a lower interest rate. With each of your outstanding credit card bills, call the company and ask for a lower rate. You can explain that you are a loyal customer but you're being offered much lower rates from other companies. This includes the bills for the cards you have already cut up. They don't need to know that you cut up their card. The goal is to pay as little interest as possible while you are trying to get rid of the debt. That way you have more money each month for your debt reduction efforts.

9. Make sure you have enough for emergencies. It's great to be aggressively paying off your debt but you need to plan for the unexpected. You don't want to be on such a tight budget each month that it doesn't allow for a misstep. You need to be in a position where you can make your mortgage payment or car loan payment.

Each of these debt reduction steps is achievable if you put your mind to it. A little willpower and this 9 step plan and instead of stressing about your debts you may find yourself trying to figure out what to do with all your savings.

Thomas Erikson is co-founder of which provides debt consolidation and credit information and solutions.Anstice Blog71727
Alyssa Blog59209

Cash is More Powerful than Credit!

Have you seen it? There is a new Visa commercial on TV. The setting is a busy deli where dozens of fast moving busy people are buying lunch. The sandwiches, sodas, lunch meat, veggies and condiments are flying through the air with the precision of a river dance. Everyone is happy as they approach the register to pay using a credit card. The pace is fast and well choreographed. Everything is going with incredible precision when suddenly a man approaches the register and pulls cash out of his wallet. Suddenly everything screams to an abrupt stop, people spill their food, several loud audible gasps can be heard and everyone begins to stare at this man in profound horror. The message: cash disrupts the fast pace flow of society.

Imagine for a moment that you and I are standing on a busy street having a conversation. I am holding a $20 bill in my hand. Come with me to that vendor over there and I will treat you to a latte or a coffee. Here is what will happen:

First, the vendor will smile. He will *-not-* have to pay a 1.5% + $.30 transaction credit card processing fee on the purchase we just made. If our coffee costs $8.97 and we pay with cash then the vendor will get to keep $0.43 that he did not have to pay to Visa, MasterCard or Discover. If everyone paid with cash, and 100 people purchased coffee a day, he would have an additional profit of $57.00 per day ($399 per week). But, dont worry because the vendor already figured the cost of credit into your cup of coffee. He has no choice as long as Visa brainwashes you and me into thinking that cash is a punishment and credit is king.

Second, I would not have to pay 24% interest for a cup of coffee. Visa takes money out of the vendors pocket and then takes money out of my pocket. And because I like to entertain and let my coffee habit get away from me, I could be forced to carry the balance over until next month. Wow! I have never had a cup of coffee stay with me for that long. Combined with all the other purchases of yesterday, I have nothing left for tomorrow.

Third, I will enjoy my coffee the most because I dont have to hassle with reconciling my credit card or bank statement at the end of the month. Cash is final. Cash is immediate. Cash is complete and the sale will not haunt me for ages to come.

And finally, I get my approval elsewhere. Not from a machine that blurts out the word approved as if my low self esteem needed a credit card machine to give me an ego boost. I have never been declined when paying with cash. Never embarrassed and never intimidated. I am thinking that Cash is far more powerful than credit.

So why would Visa pay such a premium to convince you that cash is a punishment for our society? Because, debt is a product. And a very profitable product at that. Think about the numbers I mentioned above. Ask your favorite vendor what they pay a month in credit card transaction processing fees. The amounts you hear will be very eye opening. Then ask your vendor for a discount when you pay with cash. Ill bet he will gladly give you one! I gladly give cash discounts for all my customers.

Wow! Imagine if I bought my next car with cash? What would that feel like? I would be a king! And then imagine if I bought all my future cars with cash. Sound impossible? It is most certainly not! We only make it impossible because we have adopted a gotta get a loan mindset that sabotages our future wealth.

The New Debt-Free Mindset is sweeping the world. Will you embrace it? Or will you pay $469,520* in Interest over the next 37 years struggling to make ends meet and saving nothing for your future? This is the prevailing question of many financial planners today. Debt is the nemesis of retirement for the average American and as debt grows, retirement funds shrink to dangerously low levels.

-- Sobering Statistics

The average family pays $4,680 in credit card interest per year. The typical credit card will be paid off in 37 years if you only make minimum payments. Over 70% of American families today live paycheck to paycheck and never touch the principle on their overwhelming debt load. After 37 years these families will have paid $182,520 in credit card, car loan and student loan interest alone. Add another $287,000 of mortgage interest and these families will have handed $469,520 to the bank over their lifetime. Was it worth it? We now understand why debt is the most heavily marketed product in the world today!

So many people are sick and tired of the negative impact debt has on their lives that they are declaring war. Myths about debt are being dispelled everyday and people are adopting this new debt free mind set as their primary defense against poverty, bankruptcy, and personal disaster. Hope has been stolen from us and we want it back! King Solomon wrote the following words nearly 3000 years ago. Take a moment to think about them.

So next time will you pay with cash or with credit? Remember that rich people pay with cash, poor people use credit. Will you be poor or be rich?

Tom Beeson is a Consumer Financial Coach, writer, public speaker, and founder of Bright Pathways Coaching Center for Abundant Living helping families to achieve financial stability and wealth. He is well known for free weekly tips on abundant living. Readers are invited to signup at Blog1766
Anny Blog83487

Affordable Health Insurance

As health insurance costs are increasing we have to take more responsibility for our health insurance coverage. With health insurance cost rising health insurance companies are constantly coming out with new health insurance plans. New plans offer you flexibility to customize your own health insurance plan. Most health plans in the past were pre packaged health insurance plans and we ended up paying for things we never use. We know that car insurance offers us flexibility to where you can pick your limits deductibles and the types of coverage that you want. It seemed that with health insurance it took at while for health insurance companies to realize that is how they can stay competitive. The world of five dollar co pays and no deductible plans are over. Most of us and our parents come from the world where large companies paid for their health insurance plans. Large companies do have advantage of numbers; more people are part of the group the more insurance companies are competing for their business.

First I want to address or health insurance quote shopping. If you are looking for some great deal a plan that covers everything for small monthly premium you are going to get scammed. Health insurance prices are health insurance prices no matter what insurance company you go with. The main difference how insurance companies compete with offering more affordable health insurance rates is by being more creative in their plan design. Stays away from good deals in health insurance, chances are the plans are not going to cover anything when you have claim. Then you will end up with bills from the hospital and your health insurance premiums.

Health insurance companies like Assurant Health underwritten by Time Insurance offer health insurance plans where you design your own plan. It is one of the only large reputable health insurance companies to offer customizable health plans. They offer five plan designs two of them are Health Savings Account qualified health plans and the other health plans are your standard PPO (Preferred Provider Organization). What makes Assurant Health unique is that every type of plan give you opportunity to customize that plan by choosing co-pay or no co-pay option, choice of deductible, prescription drug coverage deductible, dental discount plan or dental insurance and some plan specific options. If you are looking for simple to use and simple to understand HSA account plans, Assurant is one of the first companies to offer HSA plans.

When designing your own health insurance plan keep in mind of your previous health insurance usage. Choosing deductible for your health insurance plans will make the largest difference in your monthly price. Keep in mind in most cases deductible applies only to when you are hospitalized. That meant when you are admitted to the hospital. Most health insurance plans will cover you doctor visits, physical exams, prescriptions drugs and your lab work with a co-pay before you meet the deductible. If you choose a high deductible plan and something does happen to you that you end up in the hospital for something major and you do not have money at the time to cover your deductible. Every hospital will work with you by offering you payment methods. This way you can take as much time to pay off that deductible. Therefore it does not make any sense in most cases not choosing a plan with high deductible. Get health plans with high deductible and you are going to save thousands on your health insurance. Some companies like Assurant Health offer you option to where if you choose a health plans with deductible of thirty five hundred of higher you automatically qualify for two year rate guarantee. Save money monthly and avoid rate increased. Just with little knowledge and understanding of how health insurance works you save thousands with the health coverage that you need.

Dennis Alexander - leading consultant for employer group and individual/family health insurance. Marketing consultant for major health insurance resource websites and brokerage firms online. Some of the websites consultant and/or administrator and http://www.AssurantHealthCoverage.comAthena Blog17165
Aubrette Blog10272

What all about Bad Credit Signature Loans

Signature is taking a centre stage in the money market as it ascertains ones credential in the financial worlds and the individuals status. And, for those who could not make their financial standard viable enough, the lending authority has come with bad credit signature loans. Such individuals need not be the ones adding to the previous burden, but can also pave the way for a strong financial future. The punctual and duly repayment of the bad credit signature loans improves the credit status of the borrowers, and his credit history becomes healthier too that is reflected in his credit report.

Obtaining bad credit signature loans enhance individuals image in the business world as these loans have been given simply on the basis of their financial status despite adverse credit history, and the signature is an indicator to the fact that they still, have good credit in the business market. This is backed by a successful business and the profits you are making which ensure the repayment of the loans. The students going for higher studies can too go in for the bad credit signature loans as the cost of higher education is skyrocketing day by day.

There are galaxies of sites available online, and so the lenders offline in connection with bad credit signature loans. When there is no collateral security and you have an adverse credit, it does not mean that all the avenues to loans for a current emergency are closed. The money market has ripened with newer and better bad credit signature loans to cater to the discerning borrowers. The hope of these bad credit signature loans are also called personal loans can either avail secured or unsecured in form under any financial circumstance. Amount raised by the lending authority under the bad credit signature loans are 10, 000; this amount can be further increased up to 15, 000 too.

Bad credit signature loans can be applied for any purpose e.g., childrens higher education, a long awaited dream holiday vacations, renovations and home improvement at home, and in desperate need to consolidate the debts taken. Interestingly, individuals who wish not to place any of theirs valuable property as of their security can too apply for these bad credit signature loans. These loans can make them stress-free from putting their property at risk. And, borrowers avail the facility of the bad credit signature loans for a period ranges in between 3-5 years. This time period helps them make themselves adverse-free, and recoup their credit back to track.

Carmen Cortez is a specialist advisor of every type of business loan and currently working as financial consultant in Poor Credit Secured Loans. For further details of Bad Credit Signature Loans, poor credit secured loans UK, secured business loans, fast secured loans UK, easy secured loans visit Blog63327
Cathleen Blog11928

Debt Consolidation With Unsecured Personal Loans

Everyone knows how quickly monthly credit payments can add up. Between credit cards, auto loans and medical bills, it can be very overwhelming. Add high interest rates to the equation and it can be virtually impossible to get out from under the burden of all that debt. It truly is a vicious cycle a cycle that enriches the profits of many creditors. Take, for instance, a credit card with a 5000 balance that carries a 22% interest rate and has a minimum payment of 130. At this rate, it will take seven years to pay off the credit card at a cost of about 10,000. Thats twice the principal balance on the credit card! Add one or two more credit cards, an auto loan and a hospital bill and its no wonder that consumers are becoming prisoners to their creditors.

Many people today have found a way to manage their debt through unsecured personal loans. This type of debt consolidation is really geared toward those who do not meet the normal lending criteria, meaning those with lower credit scores and/or those considered sub prime or high risk by traditional lenders. Many things can contribute to a less than desirable credit rating, the worst, obviously, being things like bankruptcy and foreclosure. More commonly however, credit scores are tarnished by late payments and an unfavorable debt-to-income ratio. Unfortunately, once the damage is done and it can be done rather quickly it can take years to repair. Whats a person to do in the meantime?

In the past, there was not much that a person could do except wait until enough time passed and all the blemishes were erased off. Creditors viewed those with low credit scores as abusers of the credit system. When so many consumers today are living paycheck to paycheck, it is virtually impossible to not have some kind of derogatory mark on your credit report. A 30-day late payment can lower a credit score by 30 - 75 points. Imagine what a month or two of unemployment can do to a credit score. In a matter of weeks, someone with great credit can fall into the abyss of the sub prime - a hole from which it will take years to emerge. However, a new trend is developing as many lenders have found that a low credit score does not equate to a deadbeat, non-paying borrower. In fact, many lenders are specializing in working with those with problem credit to help them get back on track.

There are several companies out there who specialize in making unsecured personal loans to individuals with sub prime lending criteria. Most will grant loans for amounts as little as 250 and as much as 25,000. Loans are available with same-day approval and no upfront fees. To ensure a loan company is reputable, be sure to look for one that is regulated and registered as a finance broker. Borrowers may also want to look for a lender that offers comprehensive insurance in case of an illness or unemployment.

An unsecured personal loan helps a persons financial position by consolidating all debt into one manageable monthly payment. Instead of writing, for example, five different checks to five different creditors, the five accounts are consolidated into one with a single lender; therefore, only one check is issued. Most often, the interest rate on the personal loan is lower than that on the credit cards and the single monthly payment is generally less than the sum of the five individual payments. Homeowners would generally use a home equity line of credit to accomplish this, but since an unsecured personal loan requires no collateral, it is ideal for UK Council Tenants, Housing Association Tenants, Private Tenants, MOD Tenants. In fact, individuals with any residential status can take advantage of this type of credit.

While approximately half of these types of loans fall into the debt consolidation category, about 20% are requests for new car loans. Borrowers are also looking to fund such things as holidays, weddings, even cosmetic surgery. The loans offer an opportunity for someone to splurge on something that is important to him or her.

It is important to borrow only as much money as you can afford to repay. Thats why its a good idea to do an income and expenditure exercise before applying. Income should always outweigh expenses and money for savings and emergencies should be included in that budget. It is also important to remember non-regular expenditures such as gifts, vacations, entertainment and clothing. If it turns out that there is more money going out than coming in each month, debt consolidation can still help, but it may be necessary to give up some of the non-necessities. To assist with preparing a budget, The Office of Fair Trade website offers a free budget tool. The site also provides information about credit, finance, and loans. It prompts certain questions to ensure that the consumer has shopped around for the best deal and that he or she is making a wise financial decision.

An unsecured personal loan can mean different things to different people. Whether its used for debt consolidation or otherwise, here are some of the benefits:

Lower monthly payments
Pay off debt more quickly
Increased monthly disposable income
Rebuild credit
Enjoy that dream vacation, car, body, stereo system, etc.

Choosing a lender can be tricky. Borrowers should look for a company that:

Is regulated
Is registered as a financial broker
Charges no fees upfront or otherwise
Offers insurance policies to cover illnesses or unemployment

When done correctly, debt consolidation with unsecured personal loans can mean a better financial position for many.
By PA Davis sponsored by who provides Unsecured Personal Loans: from 250 to 25,000 for any purpose for non home owners. Please link to this site when using this article.Astrix Blog9691
Bee Blog31770

Useful Advice For Cats: How To Care For Your Human

For us cats there are several sweet advantages in having a human as a pet. But remember you are taking on a big responsibility when you adopt one or more humans. Humans are demanding pets that need daily care and attention.

With responsibility come both advantages and disadvantages. If you adopt a human you must get used to spending time at home. Your human does not deal well with being left alone - they will get into all sorts of mischief. For example, if you are gone just two or three days you run the risk of seeing posters put up all over the neighborhood. Your human will put out an APB on you ! Often with an embarrassing text that reveals all sorts of personal details - and usually accompanied by an unflattering photo of you - with morning fur and crumpled whiskers. Exactly the kind of thing that attracts ridicule from all the neighbor cats.

So please consider carefully if you are ready for a life with humans. And remember humans generally grow very old, so there is a big chance that you will spend the rest of your life with your human.

Entertaining your Human

The litter box provides a great opportunity for entertaining your human. Naturally there is all the fun your human can have cleaning and scooping out the box. A lot of human time can also be used getting fresh litter - going to the pet store, transporting it home etc. However many humans like new challenges. Utilize your litter box time in making interesting and artistic renderings of countries or well known islands. Your human will have lots of fun guessing which one you made. Humans like game-shows - so this should be a popular activity. When your human increases in skill you can also make portraits of family and friends. Start with profile portraits - this will make it easer for your human.


Make it a priority to shed indoors on appropriate surfaces. Fleece is a particularly suitable material to shred on. All you need to do is pass close by your human when he or she is wearing fleece. All cat hair within a radius of about 2 feet from the fabric will immediately be transferred to your human. No brushing necessary for several days ! Another good solution is to get access to a filled clothes hamper. Jump into it and give all contents a good work over. An extra bonus with this method is that most cat hairs will survive a trip to the washing machine. Your human will be stylishly accessorized with cat hair on all outfits.

Extra Food

All chances for a bit of extra food must and should be taken advantage of. Whenever your human is in the kitchen there is a prime opportunity of getting an extra snack. When your human is busy at the kitchen table place yourself in your humans blind angle (just behind the ankle is usually a good spot). And the second your human moves one of both feet you jump back screaming your most heart-wrenching cry. Your human will automatically assume that he/she stepped on you. When your human looks back scared to see what is happening look up at him/her with a painful expression on your face (practice this before hand in front of a mirror). Your human's bad conscience will often result an edible apology.

Grass Etiquette

Before you eat grass make sure that you are close to a suitable place to throw up on. Delicate furniture fabrics, precious carpets, and shoes are all good places. If you choose furniture aim for the part that has non-removable fabric. When you are getting down to business make sure you back up a step or two so that you cover the largest area possible. Another technique is to do several items with pauses in-between. Persian carpets will give a good camouflage effect and your little gift will often not be discovered until somebody steps in it.

Preventing your human from wasting valuable time

One of the most important tasks we cats have is to prevent humans in wasting their time. Humans love to spend their time on things with no relevance for cats. For example watching TV, reading, talking on the phone - and many other things that have no entertainment value for us cats what so ever. A lot of methods can be used to prevent human time waste - use your imagination. Some especially effective techniques will be mentioned here.

Watching TV; make sure that you always position yourself between the TV and your human. On the coffee table for example. You can also lie on the TV and let you tail or paws swing down in front of the screen. This method is most effective on small screens where you can cover a large percentage of the screen. It is a bit trickier with a flat screen - and only recommended for the agile kitty. A variation can be used with a computer screen. The new flat screens often leave a lot of empty space on the desk - so just get up in front - remind your human of how wonderful you are.

Cleaning; stalk the vacuum cleaner and attack when it passes by. You can also pretend that you want to attack the vacuum cleaner but "accidentally" catch a foot instead.

Garden work; jump repeatedly up-and-down and scatter any leaves that your human has raked together. Attack gardening tools - especially while they're being used. Immediately dig up any newly planted seeds, plants and flowers.

Closed Doors

Under no circumstances accept closed doors that separate you from your human. At any and all times you have a right to know what your human is doing. If the situation do arise when you by accident have been placed on the wrong side of a door you need to make your human aware of this ASAP so he/she can remedy the situation immediately. Loud meows and scratching on the door should be sufficient to get your humans attention. If this is ignored you need to take more drastic measures: Make a sound as if you are going to throw up. This sound can be heard by all humans in a 50 feet radius. This sound can also be heard through closed doors. The "puke sound" will always result in your human's immediate presence.

Sleeping Time

It is important for us cats to prioritize our sleeping time. The objective is to get as much sleep done as possible while your human is awake. You will then be especially well rested and bushy-tailed at night when it is your job to keep your human awake. You can for example use the classical "cat-play with toes" and attack everything that moves under the duvet. You can also reenact highlights from last year's Grand National Steeplechase by revealingly galloping across the bed. A couple of loud meows will give it an extra exiting dimension for your human


Houseguests require special attention and handling. The following procedures should be followed:

Houseguests that either do not like us or are allergic to us: As soon as they sit down - jump onto their lap.

Noisy children that run after you and/or pull your tail: It is your duty to punish them - it can be necessary to use both claws and teeth. However be prepared that this can result in noise that is even more annoying and of an even louder decibel level.

Guests that try to get in contact with you by ingratiating themselves and speaking in a sweet voice: Should just be ignored. If they try to approach you, back away 5-6 feet - never further away than they feel encouraged to try again. With a bit of practice this game can he kept going for hours.

Bad Weather

Even in bad weather it can be necessary to go outside. The rain and wet ground will result in an unpleasant layer of dirt and mud on your paws. However this can easily be dried off on certain appropriate indoor spots. Find a light carpet, a duvet cover or nice piece of furniture and walk over it a couple of times. When your paw tracks are almost invisible your paws are clean and you are ready to go outside again.

Training your Human

Sometimes it can be necessary to discipline even a well-trained human. However do remember never to hit a human. At the most mark with a soft paw on the human's arm or hands. But try first to make your human understand what it has done wrong. And most importantly: be patient! The human intellect is relatively limited and it can be difficult for them to understand our wishes and needs.

Even after approximately 5000 years of domestication the human species still has primitive instincts and it does take time to train your human completely.

Door Training

One of the first things you need to teach your human is to open the front door, the garden door and backdoor when required. This is done by walking up to a door and make an impatient and very loud meow. Make some tripping steps with your back paws obviously indicating that you need to go to the outdoor litter box. When your human has gotten up from the couch and opened the door you decide that you do not really need to go outside right now. Just for appearances you can stand in the open door and pretend that you are thinking about the situation for a few seconds before you turn around to go inside again. Repeat this procedure several times a day. This will keep your human in good door opening form.

Inspection of the House

A house usually has unlimited possibilities for suitable sleeping spots. Every possibility no matter how theoretical should be investigated and tested. Cardboard boxes, cupboards, drawers, couches and beds are obvious localities, but places such as old slippers (size 11 or higher) open gymbags or kitchen cupboards should not be overlooked.

The house should further be investigated for all possible toys. An old sock can represent several hours of entertainment if you get your claw on a loose end and unravel a couple of miles worth of yarn. You human will love to tidy up after your play.

Martine Carlsen is owned by two wonderful silver abyssinian cats, Sonny and Cher. She is also a web designer and the proud owner and creator of And as you can tell from her website, cats play a big part in both her life and her work.Beatrisa Blog48034
Belle Blog49645

I Love Italian Wine and Food - The Lombardy Region

If you are looking for fine Italian wine and food, consider the Lombardy region of northern Italy. You may find a bargain, and I hope that youll have fun on this fact-filled wine education tour.

Mountainous Lombardy is located in the north central zone of Italy on the Swiss border. It is one of the few regions of Italy without a seacoast. On the other hand Lombardy is known for its beautiful lakes. Lombardy owes its name to the Lombards, a Germanic people who ruled it and neighboring regions for two hundred years well over a thousand years ago. Other rulers included the Celts, the Romans, and the Franks. Its population is 9.4 million, the largest in Italy. In fact, about one of six Italian residents lives in Lombardy.

Lombardy is second to Emilia-Romagna in agricultural production. Among its many agricultural products are rice, wheat, corn, fruits, olives, cattle, pigs, and sheep. Natives still eat more risotto (a rice dish) and polenta (corn bread) than pasta.

The capital of Lombardys is Milan, Italys financial, fashion, and media center. With a population of 1.3 million, Milan is larger than seven regions of Italy.

Lombardy devotes about 66 thousand acres to grapevines, it ranks 11th among the 20 Italian regions. Its total annual wine production is about 44 million gallons, also giving it an 11th place. About 62% of the wine production is red or ros, leaving 38% for white. The region produces 15 DOC wines and 3 DOCG wines, Franciacorta, a sparkling wine made in the traditional (Champagne) manner, and 2 red wines; Valtellina Superiore, reviewed below, and Sforzato di Valtellina. DOC stands for Denominazione di Origine Controllata, which may be translated as Denomination of Controlled Origin. The G in DOCG stands for Garantita, but there is in fact no guarantee that such wines are truly superior. Over 47% of Lombardys wine carries the DOC or the DOCG designation. Lombardy is home to about four dozen major and secondary grape varieties, approximately three fifths red and two fifths white.

Widely grown international white grape varieties include Pinot Bianco, known as Pinot Blanc outside of Italy, Chardonnay, Trebbiano, and Malvasia. The best known Italian white varieties are Gargena, an Italian variety of Riesling, Renano Italico, and an Italian variety of Trebbiano, Trebbiano di Lugana.

Widely grown international red grape varieties include Pinot Noir. The best known strictly Italian red varieties are Barbera, Bonarda, Lambrusco, and a local Nebbiolo called Chiavennasca.

Before we reviewing the Lombardy wine and cheese that we were lucky enough to purchase at a local wine store and a local Italian food store, here are a few suggestions of what to eat with indigenous wines when touring this beautiful region.

Start with Pizzoccheri della Valtellina, Buckwheat Flour Ribbons with Wilted Cabbage, Potatoes, and Mountain Cheese.

For a second course try Ossobuco all Milanese, Braised Veal Shanks with Grenolata (Parsley, Garlic, and Lemon).

And for dessert, indulge in Budino di Pannetone, Pannetone Bread Pudding

OUR WINE REVIEW POLICY While we have communicated with well over a thousand Italian wine producers and merchants to help prepare these articles, our policy is clear. All wines that we taste and review are purchased at the full retail price.

Wine Reviewed

Triaccio Sassela Valtellina Superiore 2002 13% alcohol about $16.50 DOCG

In his work Codice Atlantico, Leonardo da Vinci described Valtellina, the source of this wine as A valley surrounded by tall and terrible mountains, it makes really powerful wines. This area has made wine since the days of the Etruscans and the Ligurians, prior to the ancient Romans. It is the northernmost area for growing the Nebbiolo grape. The wine itself is one of the three DOCG wines in Lombardy.

The marketing materials stated that its nose is quite outspoken, with aromas including mushroom, dried cranberry, and paraffin. It is dry with good fruit, surrounded by supple tannins. This medium-bodied wine is recommended with hard cheeses or grilled game birds.

This wine was aged 18 months in large wooden casks and a further 6 months in steel tanks. The producer says it can be cellared for 8-10 years and suggests drinking it with pasta of all sorts, air-dried beef, and cheese.

I first tasted this wine with beef ribs. It was round but a bit intimidated by the spicy cumin and curry sauce. Paired with a slow cooked beef and potato stew it handled itself better. It was quite fruity and cut the meals grease. It almost tasted like a Beaujolais.

I tried it with two cheeses. Grana Padano is a classic Parmesan-type cheese made for a millennium in northern Italy including the Lombardy region. It is a cylindrical, cooked, semi-fat cheese which matures slowly. It has a grainy consistency and may be sliced or grated. The cheeses taste is fragrant and delicate. The wine brought out the nutty aspect of the cheese, while intensifying its fruit. It paired well with Pecorino Toscana from Tuscany, two regions south of Lombardy.

Final verdict. I was a bit disappointed with this wine, DOCG is supposed to mean top of the line, and it was not.

Levi Reiss has authored or co-authored ten books on computers and the Internet, but to be honest, he would rather just drink fine Italian or other wine, accompanied by the right foods. He teaches classes in computers at an Ontario French-language community college. His wine website is You can reach him at Blog2012
Celia Blog44648

Visual Learners On Memorization

Memorization techniques, tips and advices can be found everywhere. Probably there are just so many things youve already read off from books, magazines and of course the Internet but then there is always some methods that apply better for you which may not work for others.

Whichever the case, your imagination plays a big part in getting your memorization tasks done for you. Visual learners benefit greatly from using memorization techniques that pertains to imagination and creativity. Since visual learners can manage to create and rely on a mental image that they retain in the brain, it is strongly encouraged for them to stick to this side of their imagination.

Its even better for visual learners to create a wild or silly scenario or a movie. It doesnt have to be perfect, even silly or hilarious ideas are accepted for this kind of purpose. The purpose for one to memorize effectively has got something to do with the approach he uses; so even if its just a series of spontaneous mental images, as long as it stirs the imagination amusingly, its fine. When you already have a sequence of mental images, then you can start playing it back and forth in your mind until you familiarize yourself with its details and sequence.

If visual learners can create a short movie, so they can also make use of stories. These are still mental stories that can be created from words youre not familiar with. This is also applicable for memorizing words; an example would be words in a list or even words from a poem.

For these types of instances, a mnemonic approach called the journey system would be applicable. Lets say you have several items needed in a list, lets use several items you have in your own room since its the place in your heart closest to you (assuming it is).

Pretend the items below are the things you need:
Glass jars, thread, comb, paintbrushes, and a masscara

Upon getting up in the morning, you look at your bedroom window and a number of glass jars hangs as curtains and then you try to fix your blanket which is made of thread. Next, you face your bathroom mirror and chooses from a hundred selection of comb displayed on the wall. As you wash your face, you turn the handle of your faucet which is made of paintbrush. Lastly, just before you go out of your room, you pick up your brush your teeth with toothbrush that looks just like a masscara.

Shareen Aguilar is a writer for which has Memory Improvement Books and Memory Game Software.Alicia Blog35456
Buffy Blog13736

Cope up with Financial Urgency with Personal Payday Loan

Personal payday loan provides financial assistance to an individual when his bank balance and savings are inadequate to meet the immediate expenses. They are basically a product of short term unsecured market fund.

Personal payday loans are designed in such a manner so that it can give financial support to an individual. And they get mature till his next payday. Generally, the term of payday loans varies from 15 days to 20 days but sometimes the lender can extend the term to the subsequent payday at the request of the borrower.

As said personal payday loan is the product of unsecured market fund, so there is no need to keep any collateral with the lender. Usually, the people not willing to place collateral or who are not in position to place collateral gets attracted towards personal payday loan.

Besides collateral, there are certain other factors which make an individual eligible for personal payday loan. They are:

Regular employment
Running bank account
Identity proof
Residence proof
Post dated cheques

In Personal payday loans the lender doesnt ask for collateral but in return of taking such high risk they charge high rate of interest. This is the also reason that why personal payday loans are known as expensive. As personal payday loan is expensive mode to satisfy financial needs so, it is suggested that it should be availed when the need is urgent.

Here, urgent implies that when there is no other option of finance is left.

Before availing personal payday loan the person must keep his eye open and consider all the clauses and terms of the loan deal. The person should ask the lender for loan quotes which will enable him to compare various offers of personal payday loan deals. Ensure that the loan deal doesnt carry hidden cost because it increases the cost of the loan. The person should always try to avail the loan deal with low annual percentage rate which ease the repayments of loan.

Last but not least, take into account whether its repayments suits your pocket or not. Then only go for personal payday loan.

Personal payday loans are available to any person that is whether with good credit score or bad credit score. But, it is also sure that the person with good credit score will definitely be offered with competitive rate of interest as compared to the person with poor credit score.

Just to wrap up, personal payday loans are the source of fund in emergency need of finance when savings and bank account of person doesnt support him.
Tess Ocean has been associated with Online-Payday-Loans-UK. Having completed her Masters in Finance from Yale University, School of Management. She provide useful advice through her articles that have been found very useful.To find Personal payday loans, online payday loan service, personal payday loan, payday loan uk, online payday loan application, bad credit payday loan, payday loan application, faxless payday loans, cheap payday loans in UK visit Blog5969
Anna Blog23479

Candidate Ford Proposes New School Site for Chicago Schools

The old Brachs plant is located at 401 N. Cicero, just north of Lake Street, in a community that has seen many of its Chicago schools closed and others placed on academic probation. The 30-plus-acre property has been vacant for three years.

LaShawn Ford is the owner of Ford Desired Real Estate and candidate for state representative of the 8th district. The democrat has an ambitious plan to use the Brach property for a new school.

In June of 2006, Ford convinced Chicago schools officials to join him in a walkthrough of his plan at the site. Though he had prior permission for the walkthrough with the Chicago schools officials, there was no one present to give them access through the 30-foot fence that surrounds the property. As with most politicians, Ford improvised by driving through a hole in the fencing to gain access.

Chicago schools officials found that the property was close to Chicagos Green Line, and it had some great parking space. Ford emphasized that a school located there could cater to many students from many areas of the city Chicago schools buses could transport students in from different districts. The Chicago schools officials saw that the location and amount of property could attract a multitude of students with diverse economical, cultural and ethnic backgrounds.

Ford further pointed out that the Chicago schools had recently invested $30 million into Austin High School for Renaissance 2010 upgrades. He noted that had they foregone those renovations, they could had invested in a new school at the Brach location that would provide much more to the Chicago schools students over the long term.

The biggest problem facing Fords ambitious plans for the Chicago schools is zoning. The old Brach plant sits in the citys Protected Manufacturing District. That means that sites within the district can be used only for industrial development. When presented with other plans in the past, the city has been reluctant to rezone the area for commercial or residential development.

The second problem is financing. The property currently is listed at the Paine/Wetzel INCOR International web site for $10 million. The Chicago schools officials have suggested that the best scenario would be for a donor to purchase the Brach property and give it to the Chicago schools for further development. Even this, of course, is contingent on whether or not the Chicago schools have enough surplus funds to build the school. The estimated cost of building is from $20 to $40 million. Of course, the perfect solution would be for donors to cover the cost of building, as well.

As it currently stands, Fords proposal is being considered by the Chicago schools. The Chicago schools officials stated that further study on the project would be needed before any decisions could be made.

Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, Which provides free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Patricia has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues.Carry Blog64485
Caitrin Blog28441

How To Create A Room Outdoors

Many people view their garden as an extension of their house. In fact, in recent years, the phenomenon of people extending the comfort and luxury of their homes into the great outdoors has grown dramatically. Fuelled by this massive change of consumer interest, patio and garden furniture manufacturers are developing stylish products to enhance the comfort and convenience of entertaining outside, whatever the weather or climate.

The homes living space can now be extended both literally and visually. There are barbeques and fireplaces of all different sizes and styles, from basic to high-tech and patio furniture and accessories that will help set any mood.

Creating an outdoor room is relatively easy. You should think about what effect you are trying to achieve; do you want it to be minimalist, light and cool, or do you want a more Mediterranean feel. Whatever look youre after, there are some essential items that belong in any outdoor room.

A grilling and eating area this is usually pulled together with a hearth product, such as a fireplace, a patio heater or a chiminea

Landscaping raised flower-beds are a particularly good idea if you dont have much space, as you can fit more in and they add interest. Tubs and a range of different heights of plants are also a good idea

Lighting ambient lighting is a very important factor in creating your outdoor room, as this will not only affect the mood, but also how long you can stay outside! Try lanterns, fairy lights, candles or solar powered lights

Sculptures These can help create a cohesive feeling within an outdoor space, in the same way ornaments can indoors. Try not to go overboard with these, though - one or two, depending on the size of your garden can work very well.

Other outdoor rooms take the concept further with the addition of pizza ovens, cocktail bars, water features, and pools.

Patio-Furniture LLP has a range of beautiful garden furniture to help create the perfect outdoor room. With lots at discounted factory-direct prices, youre sure to find something to suit your needs. Visit their website by clicking Blog79710
Bobbee Blog54375

The Musician's Guide On How To Copyright Music

Music is copyrighted as soon as you present it in a fixed form. It doesn't matter whether that fixed form is written sheet music or a recording. Most people who copyright music do so for the extra legal protection. Even though a copyright is good to have, it is essentially worthless unless you've registered your copyright with the Library of Congress. You will need to fill out an application, pay a fee, and provide a copy of your music. As far as government dealings go, this is one of the least painful. Even the application fee is marginal when you consider the fact you are protecting potential future profits and royalties from your music.

Even if you aren't a talented performer, it doesn't mean your music will never be seen or heard, nor does it mean you should not bother copyrighting your music. One day you might find yourself more in demand for your talents than you ever dreamed possible. It is important to protect your music now more than ever before in history due to widespread music piracy and illegal music file-sharing.

Once you understand how to copyright music, you should copyright every sheet of music which you have produced. This involves registering each and every piece of music with the Library of Congress. Even if you must copyright one piece at a time until you manage to copyright all of them, it is much better to be safe than sorry should you ever go to trial in a copyright infringement case.

Copyright Music, Consecutive Notes, and Fair Use

Copyright music, consecutive notes, and lyrics are all covered under the blanket of copyright protection. Once you've registered your copyright you have legal recourse should someone steal or borrow any part of your music without permission. Many websites which publish lyrics to your favorite song are actually infringing on the copyright of the author and the recording artist. It is not legal to use any part of the song that isn't covered by Fair Use without the express permission of the holder of the copyright. Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish between Fair Use and copyright infringement. Copyrighted music pays musicians royalties, while Fair Use will not take those future payments from the authors for the sake of personal entertainment.

Fair Use was once thought to mean that if you weren't making money from the copy or use of materials then it was allowable. This is one of the arguments that was used when defending massive file sharing servers; the defense, however, falls flat of the law. It is illegal to share copyright music, consecutive notes, lyrics, tabs, chords, or any other part of the music. The only case in which copying of music is clearly allowable is when used for non-profit education and educational research, for the purpose of criticism, commentary, and news reporting. According to copyright law, ripping your CDs is an infringement of copyright.

The result of massive file sharing has prompted new laws to address the problem and provide a clearer definition of what is not allowable. According to recent amendments, you must have the express permission of the performer to fix the sounds or images into any type of phonorecord, to transmit these sounds to others, or to offer to distribute, sell, or rent any of the copyrighted material. That about sums up file sharing in a nutshell and clearly establishes the practice as illegal.

Many musicians and artists copyright music, lyrics, and performances to protect those things from abuse, misuse, and to protect their interests. While some may be artists who perform for the sake of the art, most of them are not independently wealthy and need the income that results from the sales of their music. Many have families to feed as well as fabulous lifestyles. Regardless of their inherent needs for the funds, they've provided a service (entertainment) that we place a certain value on and they deserve to get paid for the services they provide.

Richard Cunningham is a freelance journalist who covers copyright law for Download his free e-book, "Copyright Basics" at Blog83403
Bee Blog31770

Presenting The Ankle - Front And Center

Jewelry designers specialize in every form of fashionbut usually from the hands up. That is now changing due to societys continued fascination with new, often uncharted areas on our bodies, in our attempt to highlight our best attributes.

As an area located well south of the hands, the Ankle has often been neglected or left out in the cold completely when it comes to fashion. Why has the ankle been an after thought or forgotten all together for so long? Were women hesitant to show off their ankles? Surely not. Did De Beers focus our desires toward diamond rings and necklaces the past few decades? Perhaps. There is no simple answer, but as women obtain more disposable income, they often want additional areas to display fashion. Women now want more than just simple rings and necklaces. In fact, they are searching high and low for unique ankle bracelets; not just for one, but both ankles so they can be fashionable no matter which foot leads the way.

The Ankles time has really come. It is a great spot for a little fashion, or a lot of fashion depending on your mood, the occasion, and the time of day. Items such as Beads, Charms, Pendants, Rings and sometimes a little Ribbon go a long way to jazz up the sensual, but often forgotten Ankle.

Designers are now developing Fashion Forward ankle jewelry, accessories and ankle wear pieces to satisfy the demand from women. They are addressing the ankle with spectacular lines of Jewelry and Accessories, with many being one-of-a-kind pieces.

Now when you want to garner that extra special look while at a party, gathering or function, and really be the talk of the town, put on a spectacular ankle braceletor twoand watch the heads turn. The ankle may never be lonely again.

Chris Murphy is a freelance writer dedicated to providing accurate, informative topics for readers. For more information and ideas, please visit http://www.purseandpursonality.comCatina Blog85634
Beverlie Blog40018

How To Kick Butt At Basketball Camp and Get A Sports Scholarship!

Do you know Why It so Important To Kick Butt at Basketball Camp? Yes, it is FUN. That is one reason. But a more important reason is it gives you a GREAT chance to get your foot in the door of a college basketball scholarship.

So, you may be asking, Why would doing well at basketball camp make that much of a difference? Simple! Because the most important step in getting recruited to play college basketball is getting coaches to NOTICE You. Kicking Butt at Basketball Camp can get you noticed FAST.

Getting a basketball scholarship takes many steps. However, if nobody knows about you, no matter how good you are, you wont get recruited.

College coaches are always looking for good athletes who can better their teams. If you are a high school player who is wanting a college scholarship, the Basketball Camp is the perfect place for both the coach and the player to get to know each other.

It is the job of the player to WOW the coaches. The coaches need to know who and where the good players are and all about them before they can recruit them for their teams.

How do they find the best players for their teams? They usually dont do it by just surfing the net. The may find out some information on the Internet. But, they get most of their player info from other coaches and recruiters they have learned to trust.

Coaches may play against each other, but listen up They are still friends with each other as well. They know other coaches on every level. And, they are all looking for great new players.

Coaches usually move around quite a bit, and they form many friendships with other basketball coaches wherever they go. Coaches value the friendships they have with other basketball coaches.

They are just like the rest of us; they love to be the first one to pass on good info. They talk among themselves all the time about the game of basketball and how and where they can find super new recruits. Coaches trust the opinion of a fellow coach who is also a friend rather than the word of a stranger.

The big time coaches use recruiters and scouts. They also talk with booster club members and sports big shots. In other words, they will listen to the people they already know and trust.

News of a hot basketball player travels fast. Today, with a click of a mouse or a phone call, a coach two thousand miles away can learn of a new up-and-coming athlete. This is really how word gets around in the world of college basketball. News of a high school star point guard could travel around the country in a matter of minutes.

What can a high school basketball player do who wants to play college basketball do to get this important attention from coaches? Easy, strut your stuff where the coach can see you or hear about you. Be a basketball camp STAND OUT!!! The camps are super places for coaches on every level to find new good players. They will be keeping their eyes open for any player who could become a basketball star.

Make the coaches think about what they could do with you if they could have you on their teams. Make them think, hey, with just a little coaching from me; this kid could be a raving sensation when he gets to college. They will be drooling over you. Believe me, if you do Kick Butt At Basketball Camp, the coaches will keep you in mind for their teams.

So, it is very important for anyone who wants a college basketball scholarship to attend as many of the camps as possible.

Just one super day or hour or even just one great play that is seen by just one coach or even a friend of a coach could lead to a full-ride college basketball scholarship. If you can jump out of the gym, believe me, the coaching world will hear about you.

Lynn WestBerty Blog7720
Alberta Blog81507

Some Ideas For Creating Your Own Slideshows

Creating your own slide shows can be fun and entertaining, and easy to accomplish. Almost every digital camera now comes with some sort of software to manage your images. Some have more features than others. Some will allow you to create slideshows. Some will add transitions, and allow image durations to be adjusted. You can also use most video making programs to produce slideshows, which is one way to have more control over the outcome. For example, Windows XP offers MovieMaker, which has many of the functions of a full-blown video producer program. The program allows you to set the duration of each picture, the transition between each picture; offers various effects to apply to individual pictures, and allows you to overlay an audio track.

To start, I have found that most digital images need a little adjustment for viewing on monitors. If your program allows it, I recommend increasing both the brightness and contrast just a few notches. Also, if you can, sharpen them slightly. A note about color: colors come in two categories: transparent and opaque. When you prepare images for printing or for viewing on a monitor you must consider how colors interact with each other. Printed colors, when mixed together, go towards black. Projected colors, when mixed together, go towards white. Printed images are usually produced on equipment with a much higher resolution capability than your monitor, so they will appear richer and sharper in print. Most cameras are preset for printing, and thats why its a good idea to sharpen, brighten and increase the contrast on images to be viewed on the pc.

Selecting your images and ordering them are the next important step. It is best to try and tell a story, to have a logical sequence to your images. Dont show people going in the house before the shot of them getting out of the car. When you are taking pictures, remember that you may make a slide show, and try to take pictures that will present well in that style; for instance, in a room full of people , start at one side and take many pictures as you swing across to the other side of the room. When presented as slides, it will give the effect of creating the complete environment. Vary the duration of the slides; dont make them all 3 or 5 seconds, make some shorter and some longer. If theres one person in a picture, shorten it; if there are many people then lengthen it so people have a chance to look at every face.

Once you have assembled the slideshow and applied transitions and effects, you can put the crowning touch on by adding a narration. You can simply choose some favorite or appropriate music, but to really personalize it, a narration is best. Not everyone is a natural speaker, nor does everyone have the most recordable voice for such a purpose. Heres where you can take advantage of a program like AV Voice Changer Software to create a separate track, or you could use AV Movie Morpher 2.0 to overdub the production. (You can go to to download the software for free trials). In that case you will have to output the slideshow first and then open it inside the Movie Morpher program. The nice thing about both of these programs is that they can alter the sound of your voice to make it more entertaining. It can deepen or enrich it, or make it faster or slower; it can even change a male voice to a female-sounding voice. It can add special effects for emphasis or dramatic effect. You should work out either a written narrative or an outline of what you will say, practice it, and then record it. The final outcome will be an entertaining, creative, and personal record of part of your life, whether its a party, a graduation, or a simple family gathering, you will have created a cherished memory to be shared for all time.

Wayne Rice is a freelance journalist, copywriter, photographer and artist. He currently resides in the United States. Alexi Blog40950
Allegra Blog34486

Payroll New York, Unique Aspects of New York Payroll Law and Practice

The New York State Agency that oversees the collection and reporting of State income taxes deducted from payroll checks is:

Department of Taxation and Finance
New York State Income Tax Bureau
W.A. Harriman Campus
Albany, NY 12227-0125
(800) 225-5829 (in state)

New York requires that you use New York form "IT-2104, Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate" or a Federal W-4 Form for New York State Income Tax Withholding.

Not all states allow salary reductions made under Section 125 cafeteria plans or 401(k) to be treated in the same manner as the IRS code allows. In New York cafeteria plans are not taxable for income tax calculation; taxable for unemployment insurance purposes. 401(k) plan deferrals are not taxable for income taxes; taxable for unemployment purposes.

In New York supplemental wages are taxed at an 8.2% flat rate.

W-2s are not required to be sent in New York.

The New York State Unemployment Insurance Agency is:

Division of Unemployment Insurance
State Campus, Bldg. 12
Albany, NY 12240
(518) 457-2635

The State of New York taxable wage base for unemployment purposes is wages up to $8,500.00.

New York requires Magnetic media reporting of quarterly wage reporting if the employer has at least 250 employees that they are reporting that quarter.

Unemployment records must be retained in New York for a minimum period of three years. This information generally includes: name; social security number; dates of hire, rehire and termination; wages by period; payroll pay periods and pay dates; date and circumstances of termination.

The New York State Agency charged with enforcing the state wage and hour laws is:

Department of Labor
Division of Labor Standards
State Office Bldg. Campus
Building 12, Rm. 532
Albany, NY 12240
(518) 457-4321

The minimum wage in New York is $5.15 per hour.

The general provision in New York concerning paying overtime in a non-FLSA covered employer is one and one half times regular rate after 40-hour week.

New York State new hire reporting requirements are that every employer must report every new hire and rehire. The employer must report the federally required elements of:

Employee's name
Employee's address
Employee's social security number
Employer's name
Employers address
Employer's Federal Employer Identification Number (EIN)

This information must be reported within 20 days of the hiring or rehiring.

The information can be sent as a W4 or equivalent by mail, fax or electronically.

There is a $20.00 penalty for a late report and $450 for conspiracy in New York.

The New York new hire-reporting agency can be reached at 800-972-1233 or 800-225-5829 or on the web at

New York does not allow compulsory direct deposit

New York requires the following information on an employee's pay stub:

Gross and Net Earnings

explanation of wage computation if requested

itemized deductions

New York requires that employee be paid no less often than semimonthly; weekly for manual workers (semimonthly if commissioner of labor agrees); less frequently for FLSA-exempt employees paid over $600 a week.

New York requires that the lag time between the end of the pay period and the payment of wages to the employee not exceed seven days for manual workers.

New York payroll law requires that involuntarily terminated employees must be paid their final pay by next regular payday (by mail if employee requests) and that voluntarily terminated employees must be paid their final pay by the next regular payday or by mail if employee requests it.

Deceased employee's wages of $30,000 must be paid within 30 days of death to the designated beneficiary or surviving spouse; $15,000 within 31 days to 6 months to the surviving spouse, adult children, parent, sibling, niece or nephew, creditor, or person paying funeral expenses (in that order); $5,000 if more than 6 months after death to distributee, creditor, or funeral expenses.

Escheat laws in New York require that unclaimed wages be paid over to the state after three years.

The employer is further required in New York to keep a record of the wages abandoned and turned over to the state for a period of 5 years (after Dec. 31 of year report is filed).

New York payroll law mandates no more than $1.85 may be used as a tip credit.

In New York the payroll laws covering mandatory rest or meal breaks are only that all employees must have 30 minutes for noon meal from 11 a.m.- 2 p.m. (60 in factory); another 20 minutes from 5 p.m.-7 p.m. if shift starts before 11 a.m. and goes after 7 p.m.; 45 minutes during shift of at least 6 hours starting between 1 p.m. and 6 a.m. (60 in factory).

New York statute requires that wage and hour records be kept for a period of not less than six years. These records will normally consist of at least the information required under FLSA.

The New York agency charged with enforcing Child Support Orders and laws is:

Division of Child Support Enforcement
New York State Department of Family Assistance
40 N. Pearl St.
Albany, NY 12243
(518) 474-9081

New York has the following provisions for child support deductions:

When to start Withholding? First pay period after 14 days from service.

When to send Payment? Within 7 days of Payday.

When to send Termination Notice? "Promptly"

Maximum Administrative Fee? no provision

Withholding Limits? Federal Rules under CCPA.

Please note that this article is not updated for changes that can and will happen from time to time.

Charles J. Read, CPA has been in the payroll, accounting and tax business for 30 years, the last fifteen in private practice. Ashely Blog69989
Cacilie Blog70070

Creating an Email Newsletter from Microsoft Word

Want an easy way to update your customers with your company news, then adopting an email newsletter or e-Newsletter on a regular schedule can not only keep them informed it may even generate more business.

An e-newsletter combines the benefits of company information and marketing opportunities with little cost to compose and savings realised by using email technology rather tan traditional postal means.

Some things you need to consider when preparing your e-Newsletter;

Frequency Make a plan to publish your newsletter on a regular basis

Content Keep the content focused on the audience, dont try and oversell any product or service as these emails tend to get deleted very quickly.

Size Try to keep the newsletter to 3 4 bullet points, in short attention grabbing sentences that lead to full stories on your website.

Bandwidth Try not to over indulge your newsletter with too many graphics, keep in mind many users still have low speed internet connections and large image sizes will have an impact on downloading. Try to keep your newsletter to under 60Kb

In this article I will show you the easy way to create a newsletter based on tables in Microsoft Word ready for importing into your email program for distribution.

Step 1: Open a blank word document and insert a table with 3 columns and 6 rows. I recommend merging the top 3 cells and the bottom 3 cells into header and footer rows so you can easily add the company logo on the header row and your address details on the footer row.

Step 2: Merge the left side rows of the remaining rows into 1 column.

Step 3: Add your logo image or Business Name to header area and Address details to footer area, dont forget to add email and website URL links here as well.

Step 4: Formulate a welcome message to introduce your newsletter and its content.

Step 5: Keep the information in the newsletter brief and to the point, if you have more information on your website make sure you link directly to that article or news/product item on your website. Introduce bullet points news snippets with links in the left side column.

You have now created A HTML newsletter that looks like a webpage. Colours and graphics can easily be modified to suite your corporate colours etc. You now have a simple easy to edit Word Document ready for publication via email.

Save the document for future editing and then selecting the entire table copy and paste into an open blank email.

Tip: Send the email to a friend or your free email accounts (hotmail, gmail etc) to see how the finish product will look when your customer receive it.

If no formatting issues are found after test email is sent, send the newsletter to your predetermined list of contacts.

Remember: Frequency is the key to gaining new and repeat business, so compiling and sending regular updates will help educate your customers on your products and services.

Craig Bucknall is the owner and Managing Director of the Sydney based Website Design studio Bullie Graphics. See their website for more information about website design also checkout the website design and seo tips blog.April Blog69830
Becky Blog79667

15 Christmas Decorating Ideas

Decorating your home for the holidays does not need be stressful or expensive. Being one of the most popular times of the year to decorate, get your family involved and have fun making your home beautiful for the holiday season.

Here are 15 Christmas decorating ideas:

1. Display your favorite Christmas collections. If you dont have a collection, now is a great time to start! My son and I collect nutcrackers and every year we have a wonderful time selecting just the right one. With a permanent marker, I write the year on the bottom of the nutcracker. Not only do we enjoy looking at the nutcrackers during the holidays, we also enjoying the fond memories of selecting them.

2. Make simple bows out of Christmas ribbons and attach them to your curtains with pins. This is a very charming look.

3. Decorate your house plants by hanging small Christmas ornaments on them.

4. Place a collection of Christmas books on your coffee table.

5. Fill a glass bowl with pine cones and Christmas balls and place on a shelf or table.

6. Wrap your staircase banister with indoor Christmas lights, garland, and bows.

7. To add scent throughout your home, tie 5 or 6 cinnamon sticks together in a bundle using Christmas ribbon. Make as many bundles as you wish and place around your home in baskets or bowls.

8. To decorate your table, tie Christmas ribbon to the stems of glasses and/or handles of cutlery

9. To dress up your chairs, tie Christmas bows around the chair so that the bow is on the back of the chair.

10. Using a small brush or q-tip, paint the edges of pine cones with glittery gold craft paint. After the pine cones dry, place them in a decorative basket.

11. Add Christmas garland to door frames, window frames and mirrors. You can use tape to secure the garland to the surfaces.

12. Tie bows around door knobs using festive and colorful Christmas ribbon.

13. Attach garland and Christmas bows to your chandelier. You can also weave strings of red beads in the garland that will dangle down from your chandelier and reflect the light, which will add sparkle.

14. If you live in a milder climate, consider decorating with Amaryllis plants. These beautiful plants come in red and white, grow tall, and provide a very elegant look.

15. Dont forget to decorate your fireplace mantel and hang your Christmas stockings. A few fireplace mantel decorating ideas are adding garland, different styles and sizes of Santas, teddy bears, and candles. You can also display your favorite nativity scene if you have a large enough mantel.

Be creative with your fireplace mantel because most mantels are the focal point during the holiday season. Another decorating idea for your mantel is to purchase a bunch of miniature rosemary trees shaped like Christmas trees, add mini ornaments to them and line them up across your mantel. These miniature rosemary trees are readily available during the holidays and come in festive containers.

Christmas decorating is a great time to create traditions and spend quality time with your family. Get out some snacks and drinks and create a little decorating party that youre family will love and look forward to year after year.

Happy Holidays!

Lesley Dietschy is a writer, jewelry designer, and the founder of a network of popular websites including and . Both of these websites feature valuable information and resources to assist you in decorating your home and garden.Camila Blog11415
Bria Blog75630

Benefits of Having a Web Site

Many have heard countless news of the downfall of Internet era that caused millions of loss to big companies. However, there are lots of advantages when it comes of having own web site. Think of having a business. Having a website will give a business the ability to reach thousands of potential customers through out the world, with a fraction of cost. These are but a few key benefits of owning a website:

Improve business image with online presence.

Many people today believe that businesses with websites provide superior products or services to those that don't. Think of a website as an online brochure where person can show examples or products and services. Websites provide companies with large customer bases the ability to communicate more effectively. Properly planned, designed and implemented a website should pay for itself and providing a return on investment.

Cost-saving to your business expenditure.

Buying advertising space, whether it's a newspaper ad, billboard, or radio spot, can be very expensive. Adding to the burden are the hours spent trying to figure out the perfect set of words to say everything needed within the constraints of an ad. By advertising business through a website, potential customers have the opportunity to learn more about products and services. A person can instantly publish that same information: new product announcements, employment opportunities, contact information, job openings, surveys, coupons, and investors information, almost anything, without material or delivery costs. The customers are able to learn about it instantly just by visiting the related web site.

Unless a company has a very large advertising budget, there's a limit to how much a person can say in the print ads. By including a website address in these ads, potential customers can easily look into the business up on the net. Think of a business card as a print ad.

Unlimited geographic market.

With a web site, a person can easily attract new customers not only locally, but nationally and internationally. By implementing online presence, the person can reach to a market that may have been difficult or expensive to reach through traditional advertising. A website provides these opportunities by allowing him/her to publish who and what is the business all about in a powerful and attractive manner.

24/7/365 Business Hours.

There is no other medium for being available 24/7/365 that even compares to a website. With the modest cost of developing a website and making it available on the Internet, there is nothing even close to being as cost effective. In addition, printed materials are easily misplaced. Television and radio commercials air at preset times. A website can be visited at a time that is convenient for the visitor, and they will have more interest because they want to be there on that particular website.

Wan Assad Aziz - Administrator and editor for online presence. More articles related web site creation can be found at http://www.directpins.comAlissa Blog5302
Arlen Blog65841

Plastic Surgery - Where's The "Plastic"?

Don't be looking for the Dupont Company sales rep the next time you visit a Plastic Surgeon's office because, despite popular belief, there's no "Plastic" in Plastic Surgery. The name is taken from the Greek word "plastikos" which means to "mold or shape."

Initially plastic surgery procedures were limited to facial and body reconstruction caused by accidents, trauma, illness or birth defects. As people began to see the purely cosmetic possibilities, many surgeons expanded their services to include facelifts, rhinoplasty (nose jobs), breast augmentation and liposuction.

It's important to know the difference between plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery, especially if you're planning on having your insurance company foot the bill for your procedure.

Cosmetic surgery is performed solely to improve a person's outward physical appearance and self-esteem by correcting naturally occuring conditions that the patient is unhappy with. Cosmetic surgery may be performed by either a Plastic Surgeon or a Cosmetic Surgeon. Cosmetic surgery is generally not covered by health insurance.

Reconstructive plastic surgery is performed to correct or reduce the effects of congenital defects, accidental trauma injury, infections, tumors, and other health-related conditions. It's primary purpose is rarely to simply improve appearance except for extreme cases involving major facial or bodily damage resulting from automobile accidents, etc. Plastic Surgery may only be performed by a Plastic Surgeon.

In most cases insurance does pay for plastic surgery although there are some cases where your claim may be reduced or denied completely. That's why it is always important to coordinate the planned procedure with your health insurance provider BEFORE you get the procedure.

Often times the difference between whether or not your insurance company will cover the bill is the REASON for the procedure. If, for example, you are having your nose reshaped because you're unhappy with your profile -- no deal. You're on your own. However, get that same nose job because your doctor has diagnosed a chronic breathing problem that results in the potentially dangerous condition known as "Sleep Apnea" and you could end up with a new nose courtesy of your health insurance provider!

If you are planning to visit a Plastic Surgeon, keep the following items in mind:

Your plastic surgeon should be "Board Certified" by the American Board of Plastic Surgery;

If your doctor will be using anesthesia then make sure that only a licensed Anesthesiologist administers the medicine and make sure that the facility where the procedure is being performed is accredited by at least one of the following organizations:

American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities(AAAASF)

Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC)

Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO)

Although making sure that all of these certifications are present is no guarantee of a trouble-free experience, NOT having these certifications means that both the doctor performing plastic surgery, as well as the people who run the facility, have a serious lack of regard for your health and well being! You should NEVER use an uncertified plastic surgeon or facility. The risk is simply not worth it.

Mike Jones is a writer and webmaster with over 10 years experience. Check out his Plastic Surgery Research Library here: Blog87726
Brunhilde Blog17454

How to Write a Great Video-Marketing Script

If you want to write a great video-marketing script, you only have to keep a few things in mind. Here the short list:

Remember WII-FM!

No, those aren't the call letters for a radio station. They stand for "What's in it for me?" In other words, what are the benefits that you have to offer your customers. Benefits are different from features. Features include a physical description of your product or service, its price, how it is used, and so on. Benefits describe how the product helps customers solve their problem or achieve a goal. After you've written a draft of your script, go back through it, ruthlessly asking yourself, "Is this a feature or a benefit?" And if you answer "Feature," change it into a benefit.

Write your best benefit in your opening statement.

Can you identify what is the most attractive benefit of your product or service? Put that at the beginning. Word it in such a way that it's attention-getting, uses action words, and has PUNCH!

Make it as short as possible!

Apply the K-I-S-S principle ("keep it simple, stupid," or more tactfully, "keep it super-simple")The longer the video is, the larger the file size, the more space it takes up on your host, and the more likely it is that your audience will get bored before you're finished. Better to stop too soon, while they still want you to go on, than to keep yapping even a second after they want you to "put a cork in it."

Be personal!

An important point that Internet marketers often forget is how blind your customers are when they are considering an online purchase. This is where video-marketing can really contribute to your success! Your customers can see you, hear you, watch you smile, get to know you and like you. Let your personality come through. Don't think of your video as a presentation to hundreds or thousands of people, but as an opportunity for a one-on-one conversation with your buddy. And let your script indicate that personal touch.

Make it interesting!

Rev yourself up until you are excited about your topic. Only a few people can make a slow monotone seem funny. If any of the rest of us try it, it just turns out ho-hum boring. Let your excitement carry through to your script. Of course, you can overdo it and drain away all of your credibility with runaway hyperbole like, "the newest, the best, the most exciting gizmo in the universe, for the lowest, rock-bottom price." But if you can make some comparisons or truthfully claim something unique about what you have to offer, you should do it. That's what we want to know: why should we buy it from you and not someone else?

Build urgency into your presentation!

Even if your prospective customers are interested in what you are offering, they may put off the buying decision unless you give them a reason to buy now. Will your offer expire at the end of the month. Are there only 15 left (assuming this is true)? Will your customer get bonus items if they buy now?

Offer a money-back guarantee or free trial period!

Many of us are used to making purchases off the Internet, but some people still have rip-off anxiety. You need to reassure them. Be honest, now, do you really want to keep the money of someone who is not a satisfied customer? Most people will not ask for their money back even if they are disappointed. The few refunds you give out will be offset many times over by the increased confidence you provide for your prospective customers.

Offer them something that will keep you both in touch.

Can you offer them a free newsletter that discusses their niche interest? Can you ask for their feedback on their purchase or what related items and/or services may interest them?

Of course, none of this means a thing if you don't have something to offer that really does provide one or more valuable benefits to your customers. Provide them with content that will really help and then Make your presentation rich with content, but framed in the items I've listed, and you are well on your way to video-marketing success.

Copyright © 2005 Steve Singleton. Angelica Blog74117
Bryna Blog49816

Furnish Your Home on a Budget

Lets face it you need furniture. Sure, you can cut corners by going Japanese and using your coffee table as the dining table, or by transforming your living room into a Middle Eastern pillow lounge. But in the end, youll need at least a few basic pieces of furniture, even for the most spartan of living conditions. Dont worry saving money on your furniture is easy and doesn't mean sacrificing the quality of the product. Just follow some of these easy guidelines.

Look for furniture on sale

This might seem a little obvious, but if you really put the effort into sniffing out the best sales, you could save a bundle on furniture. More often than not, the best deals on furniture come every January and July. And if youre looking for outdoor furniture, August is best.

Also check back at the end of every month. The majority of the furniture companies function on monthly basis computing their sales, releasing their promotions and introducing new furniture. There may be certain items that won't be offered the following month, so these lines of products may be offered at a very low price. And since most of the furniture companies pay sales people on commission, theyll be a little more desperate to make the sale when the month is running out.

Apply for the credit card being offered by the furniture shop

This is a tricky one. You can get a great deal on your furniture purchase with the retailers in-store credit cards. Depending on the store and the sale, you may be able to reduce or eliminate your interest payments and sales tax, or you may be offered a special discount available only to cardholders. All you have to do is apply for this credit card and you can get discounts on anything you want.

But be careful when using this strategy. The temptation is to spend beyond your means just because you have the available credit. Read the fine print of the terms and conditions carefully. If youre confident you can pay off your bill in the allotted time, then youll be fine. If not, be careful interest rates after your introductory period may jump as high as $25%!

Search online

If youve seen a certain piece of furniture you like in a store near you or in your favorite magazine, check the internet for a better price. Get as much information about the manufacturer and the piece name and Google it you may be able to find some deep discounts. But dont forget to check the shipping rates and taxes that may be applied to your purchase or you might not be saving as much as you think.

Buy used furniture

Buying second-hand is great because it saves you money and reuses materials that might otherwise wind up in the landfill. Check your telephone book for local thrift shops, reuse centers or charity shops. Be creative! If you find a nice sturdy couch you love, but the fabrics worn thin, you can have it reupholstered or covered in new slipcovers.

If you live near a college town (especially a wealthy college town), youre in luck. Watch the thrift stores extra closely each spring around move-out time youll be amazed at the things students will leave behind. Better yet, if you know someone who will be moving soon, offer to take that old piece of furniture off their hands. They may be so excited not to have to deal with moving it themselves that youll get a great price, or even a free piece of furniture. Before you know it, youll be on your way to your very own, fully furnished home.

Sarah Russell, aka "The Sexy Secretary," is a connoisseur of living the good life on a budget. Check out her website at for more fabulous ideas on how to trim down your expenses without reducing your quality of life.Bellanca Blog68305
Abbi Blog37890

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